Thinking of Leaving At the moment leaving might feel particularly difficult and you might be worried about having to leave your home in an emergency. If possible pack an emergency bag for you and your children and keep it somewhere safe. Try to include essential things such as medication, identification, money or cards. Essential clothing for you and your children. Due to self- isolation staying with family and friends might not be an option. If you need to access refuge accommodation you can do this via the Live Fear Free Helpline on 0808 80 10 800. The Local Authority also has a responsibility to give you information about your housing rights however this service may be reduced at this time. Shelter Cymru provide free confidential housing information, support and legal advice on all housing and homelessness issues. They also have a helpline: 08000 495 495 More about leaving Remember if you are in danger ring 999 If you cannot talk press 55 and you will get help